Packaging for Oil and Fat Foods and Condiments

Packaging for Oil and Fat Foods and Condiments (1) Cooking Oil Packaging Cooking oils include soybean oil, rapeseed oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, salad oil, etc. Traditional cooking oils were all packaged in glass bottles, but in recent years, they have been replaced by plastic packaging containers. Commonly used containers include PVC, PET, PS bottles, and PE injection molded containers. New packaging materials and containers for oils and fats are being developed. Containers made of paper/PE/ionic resin composite materials have good heat sealing properties and are resistant to oils and fats; PA (or CPP)/Al/ionic resin can be used as box liners for packaging oils and fats, and can also be made into stand-up pouches. Large-volume packaging for oils and fats all use iron drums. (2) Packaging for Peanut Butter, Sesame Paste and Other Oily Foods Peanut butter, sesame paste, and others are foods with high oil content, which are prone to oxidation and rancidity, and produce a rancid smell. The traditional packaging method for these foods is to use glass jars or cans and add an appropriate amount of antioxidants. Modern packaging for peanut butter, sesame paste, and other oily foods widely uses plastic films and [...]

2024-07-12T11:56:23+00:00July 14th, 2024|

International Food Labeling Standards and Management

International Food Labeling Standards and Management Food labels refer to all tags, hangtags, text, graphics, symbols, and other descriptive materials on or attached to food packaging containers. Food labels are an essential part of food packaging design and must be strictly regulated by national standards and regulations. Labels are the identification of goods, serving the function of guiding and directing consumption. Implementing strict management through food labeling regulations helps prevent the circulation of counterfeit and inferior goods, prevent misleading and deceiving consumers, ensure food hygiene and safety, and protect consumers' interests. Currently, food labels have become a battlefield for international politics, culture, and consumer interests, and food labeling standards, regulations, and management measures have received widespread attention and importance from the international community. 1. Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) The Codex Alimentarius Commission has issued two food labeling standards: a) CODEX STAN.1—1991 General Standard for the Labeling of Prepackaged Foods; b) CODEX STAN107—1985 General Standard for the Labeling of Food Additives When Sold as Such. 2. United States The United States attaches great importance to food labeling legislation and management. In December 1992, it formally announced the mandatory implementation of a new labeling law. The new labeling [...]

2024-07-12T11:43:35+00:00July 13th, 2024|

Requirements and Procedures for Packaging Design

Requirements and Procedures for Packaging Design (I) Requirements for Food Packaging Design Before designing the packaging, it is essential to fully understand the product characteristics, examine them from various angles, and comprehensively analyze various factors to design reasonable packaging that meets the product requirements.1. Protecting the FoodHow well does the packaging protect and preserve the inner contents? Is the packaging structure design reasonable, innovative, and exquisite? Are the packaging materials appropriate and safe for food? Can the packaging reduce the possibility of tampering?2. Convenient for Storage, Transportation, and UseCan the packaging facilitate storage, transportation, shelf display, and save storage space? Will it be damaged under normal storage and transportation conditions (see Figure 23)?Is it easy to open, reseal, and remove the contents, and can the correct amount be easily measured out? Do the size and capacity of individual packages conform to ergonomic principles, meet consumer needs, and are they easy to carry?Is the packaging size suitable for storage in refrigerators, cupboards, or food cabinets? Can the used packaging be reused?3. Conducive to PromotionCan the design positioning accurately reflect the product's characteristics and sales strategy? How competitive is it compared to other similar products? How does the packaging [...]

2024-07-12T11:08:50+00:00July 12th, 2024|

Color Design in Packaging and Decoration

Color Design in Packaging and Decoration Color is the most important visual element in packaging. Due to the abstract and sensory nature of color, by studying color principles, the symbolic meaning of colors, and the universal laws of color psychology, and based on the expressive needs of products, brands, consumer targets, or corporate philosophies, eye-catching and unique packaging can be created, giving it good visual identification function. The success or failure of a packaging design work largely depends on the level of color application, so it is very important to understand the knowledge related to color design. (1) Three Elements of Color Colors are divided into "chromatic color systems" (such as red, yellow, blue, green, etc.) and "achromatic color systems" (such as black, white, gray). Achromatic color systems are not included in the visible light spectrum and are sometimes referred to as neutral colors. The three elements of color refer to hue, brightness, and saturation (Color Plate 47). Chromatic color systems have all three elements, while achromatic color systems only have the brightness element, but psychologically they have complete color properties. In addition, there is another category of metallic luster colors, whose attributes are very [...]

2024-07-05T16:04:28+00:00July 8th, 2024|

CIS and Packaging Design

CIS and Packaging Design (A) The Concept of CIS In the 1950s and 1960s, many companies around the world successively implemented a new corporate management strategy, which is the so-called corporate image design and promotion plan. The English term is Corporation Identity System, abbreviated as CIS, which means corporate identity design system, and in China it is also called "corporate image design". Corporate image needs to be recognized through identification methods. The so-called "CIS design" means "using the overall communication system (especially visual communication) to convey the corporate business philosophy and spiritual culture to the stakeholders or groups around the company (including the internal and the general public), and master to make them have a consistent sense of identity and values for the company". Its fundamental significance lies in: the visual uniformity of the company's external and the homogeneity of the company's internal. 1. Basic Components of CIS CIS consists of the following three basic parts. (1) MI (mind identity) is the spiritual leader of corporate management, the soul of the corporate identity system and the concentrated expression of corporate connotation, as well as the driving force and implementation basis for establishing the operation [...]

2024-07-12T03:26:17+00:00July 7th, 2024|

Packaging Printing Methods and Printing Processing Techniques

Packaging Printing Methods and Printing Processing Techniques As a food composite soft packaging manufacturer, printing is a crucial part of our production process. Having an in-depth understanding of the principles and operational details of each printing process is one of the essential knowledge and skills. The following is a basic introduction to packaging printing methods and printing processing techniques. (I) Packaging Printing Methods 1.1. Offset Printing (Lithography) Offset printing is the most widely used and effective printing method. The printing plate is flat, and it applies the principle of oil and water not mixing. The non-image areas of the printing plate are composed of a hydrophilic substance, while the image areas are composed of an oleophilic substance. Offset printing is also called lithography. There are three sets of rollers in the printing process: a set of plate cylinders to hold the printing plates, a set of rubber cylinders with a special rubber blanket that has good elasticity and flatness, a set of impression cylinders. After the plate cylinder is inked, it contacts the rubber cylinder to transfer the image to the rubber. When the paper enters the machine, it passes between the rubber [...]

2024-06-25T10:25:45+00:00June 25th, 2024|
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